Read-write. An object uses this property to return the Rectangle object. This is the left side co-ordinate for the Rectangle.
Applicable Events
AnyApp Pre-Application, AnyApp Post-Algorithm, AnyApp Post-Application, Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object variable.LeftSide = nLeft
Object variable is a reference to the Rectangle object. For more information, see Rectangle Object (page Rectangle Object).
LeftSide is the command.
nLeft is the left side co-ordinate for the Rectangle.
Set R = Application.NewRectangle
r.TopSide = 0
r.LeftSide = 0
r.BottomSide = 100
r.RightSide = 100
MsgBox “Rectangle = “ & r.AsString