Trace (Property) - OCR for AnyDoc - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external

OCR for AnyDoc Programming Reference Guide

OCR for AnyDoc
Foundation 23.1


Trace allows the vbscript writer to add trace statements to the vbscript. These statements are written to the Vbscript Trace file that is specified on the Help|Activate Tracing dialog.

The trace statements are bracketed by information of the vbscript event being processed. Each trace statement also includes timing information. The first column is the cumulative time from the start of the event. The second column is the time since the last Trace statement. The third column is the text supplied to the Trace command.

ENTER Post Extraction Zone #1 (ZONE #1) 00000001 00001.tif 01/04/2011 14:47:50.523

0.000 0.000 Zone1 Trace statement 1

0.001 0.001 Zone1 Trace statement 2

0.004 0.002 Zone1 Trace statement 3

EXIT Post Extraction Zone #1 (ZONE #1) TOTAL TIME 14.007285

The ENTER line lists the Event, Zone, Batch ID, Image Name and the Date and Time when the vbscript event was started. The EXIT line repeats the Event, Zone and the Total time to process the script.

All times are listed in seconds.

Applicable Events

AnyApp Pre-Application, AnyApp Post-Algorithm, AnyApp Post-Application, Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify, ZoneLink


object.Trace( string )


Object is a reference to the Application object. For more information, see Application Object (page Application Object).

Trace is the command.


Trace ("Zone1 Trace Statement 1")

A = A + 1

Trace ("Zone1 Trace Statement 2")

If A = 1 THEN


End If

Trace ("Zone1 Trace Statement 3")