Use the GridChoiceDialog for Line-Item Matching - OCR for AnyDoc - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external

OCR for AnyDoc Programming Reference Guide

OCR for AnyDoc
Foundation 23.1

Many times when processing invoices, customers want to compare line items on the invoice to items in a database. The GridChoiceDialog allows the template designer to create a series of rows and columns that the Verify operator may select. With this script, a check box of Full Payment, Partial Payment, of Flagged is filled based on the line item selected to match the current line of the invoice displayed in the Verifier.

This feature requires OCR for AnyDoc 5.0 or higher. This is an interactive script that takes place as the verify operator is moving from check box to check box. The check boxes themselves are populated based on the choices made in the GridChoiceDialog. Since the check boxes are not part of the line items, the line number of the current line must be calculated based on the zone number of the check box. The script will show several for/next loops that contain a calculation for the line number. See comments in the script for details.

Further, the Pass 1 operator is validating the line items, and the Pass 2 operator is matching the line items to the items retrieved from the database.

GUI Product Features Used in this Script:

  • A custom verify screen is used.

  • Key VB Script Features Demonstrated in this Script:

  • Application.InPassTwoVerification - script only executes in pass 2 verification.

  • GridChoiceDialog.SetInitialViewArea - if using a display image, defines what it is.

  • GridChoiceDialog.DisplayImage - Boolean for showing an image.

  • GridChoiceDialog.SetTitle - Sets the title for the dialog.

  • GridChoiceDialog.NumberCols - Sets number of columns - "1" based - 4 means 4 columns, for example.

  • GridChoiceDialog.ColHeading(#) "String" - Assigns column heading - # is "0" based (i.e., First Column is column 0).

  • GridChoiceDialog.AddItem "String" - here, populated from a database, but items are skipped if already used.

  • GridChoiceDialog.CellBackColor - Assigns color of cell - in this example used "VBColor." Hex values can be used as well.

  • GridChoiceDialog.CellTextColor - Assigns color of text - see above.

  • GridChoiceDialog.DoModal - A selection was made.

  • GridChoiceDialog.GetIndex and .GetSelection - Allow retrieval of the item the verification operator selected in the dialog.

  • GridChoiceDialog.FitToWindow and .FitToRows(#) - Allows the dialog to "shrink to fit" the data displayed.

  • GridChoiceDialog.CellText(Column#, Row#) - Retrieves or sets the text in the column and row - "0" based count.

  • Application.NavigateTo("Zone Name", iLineNumber) - Functions as a GOTO in the Verifier. If iLineNumber is not present, Line 1 is assumed.

  1. To match the current line item, Black Badge Holder, press Enter.

    The GridChoiceDialog window is displayed.

  2. Double click the selection that matches.

Example Script:

If Application.InPassTwoVerification Then

bSkip = False

nCurrentZone = This.ZoneNumber

nCurrentLine = (((nCurrentZone - 19)/2) + 1)

nMaxLines = Form.Zone(10).LineCount

strCurrentString = Item Number.Line(nCurrentLine).Value & Chr(124) & Item Description.Line(nCurrentLine).Value & Chr(124) & Qty.Line(nCurrentLine).Value & Chr(124) & Extended Cost.Line(nCurrentLine).Value

GridChoiceDialog.SetInitialViewArea 450, 950, 2537, 1150

GridChoiceDialog.DisplayImage = False

GridChoiceDialog.SetTitle "Select database line item that matches the currently selected line. Most likely match is highlighted."

Set objConnPO = CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")

Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConnPO.ConnectionString = strDBConnTerms


objRS.Cursortype = 3 'asUseClient


objRS.Open strFilter, objConnPO

gridchoicedialog.numbercols = 4

gridchoicedialog.colheading(0) = "Item"

gridchoicedialog.colheading(1) = "Description"

gridchoicedialog.colheading(2) = "Quantity"

gridchoicedialog.colheading(3) = "Price"

While Not objRS.EOF

strLineItem = objRS.Fields("ITEM") & Chr(124) & objRS.Fields("DESCRIPTION") & Chr(124) & objRS.Fields("QTY") & Chr(124) & objRS.Fields("Extended")

strPartial = objRS.fields("ITEM")

If Not IsNull(strPartial) Then strPartial = Replace(strPartial, " ", "")

bSkip = False

'If the current item has a check next to it, don't use it

For kk = 19 To 37 Step 2

If Form.Zone(kk).Box(1).Hidden = False Then

If Form.Zone(kk).Box(1).Checked = True Then

'Since check boxes are not part of the group zone

'calculate which line line this is from the box number

nUsedLine = ((kk - 19)/2) + 1

strUsedValue = Item Number.Line(nUsedLine).Value

strUsedValue = Replace(strUsedValue, " ", "")

If strPartial = strUsedValue Then

bSkip = True

End If

End If

End If


For jj = 41 To 50

If Form.Zone(jj).Box(1).Hidden = False Then

If Form.Zone(jj).Box(1).Checked = True Then

nUsedLine = jj - 40

strUsedValue = Item Number.Line(nUsedLine).Value

strUsedValue = Replace(strUsedValue, " ", "")

If strPartial = strUsedValue Then

bSkip = True

End If

End If

End If


If bSkip = False Then

'The following block of code checks to see if there is a solid match of the line item or a soft match.

'A solid match is given a green background

'A soft match is given a yellow background

intLineNo = intLineNo + 1

gridChoiceDialog.AddItem strLineItem

strLineItem = Replace(strLineItem, " ", "")

strCurrentString = Replace(strCurrentString, " ", "")

strCurrentItem = Replace(Item Number.Line(nCurrentLine).Value, " ", "")

If strLineItem = strCurrentString Then

For yy = 0 To 3

gridchoicedialog.cellbackcolor(IntlineNo - 1, yy) = vbGreen


ElseIf strPartial = strCurrentItem Then

For yy = 0 To 3

gridchoicedialog.cellbackcolor(IntlineNo - 1, yy) = vbyellow


End If

End If

bAddedRecord = True



'This block adds the "ACCEPT ALL" item last and makes it black background white letters.

gridChoiceDialog.AddItem "ACCEPT ALL GRID LINES"

For xx = 0 To 3

Gridchoicedialog.cellbackcolor(IntLineNo, xx) = vbBlack

Gridchoicedialog.celltextcolor(IntLineNo, xx) = vbWhite



gridchoicedialog.fittorows(IntLineNo + 1)

'"DO MODEL" indicates a choice has been made - from this point on, code is a reaction to the selection

vbret = GridChoiceDialog.DoModal 'returns vbTRUE or vbFALSE

If vbret Then

n = GridChoiceDialog.GetIndex

s = GridChoiceDialog.GetSelection

strQtyDB = gridchoicedialog.celltext(n, 2)

strQty = Qty.Line(nCurrentLine).Value

'If Accept All selected

If n = intLineNo Then

For kk = 19 To 27 Step 2

If Form.Zone(kk).Box(1).Hidden = False Then

Form.Zone(kk).Box(1).Checked = True


'When we hit a hidden exit out and navi to button


Exit For

End If



'If not all accept, then accept the one we are on and navi to next row if not last row

If CInt(strQtyDB) = CInt(strQty) Then

Form.Zone(19 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = True

Form.Zone(20 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Hidden = True

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Checked = False

ElseIf CInt(strQtyDB) > CInt(strQty) Then

strSitch = "Database Items = " & strQtyDB & vbCrLf & "Invoice Items = " & strQty

strSitch = "Please select NO to FLAG this line item for review in workflow." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strSitch

vbResult = MsgBox ("Please select YES to accept a partial payment." & vbCrLf & strSitch , 36, "Partial Payment?")

If vbResult = vbYes Then

Form.Zone(20 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = True

Form.Zone(19 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Hidden = True

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Checked = False

ElseIf vbResult = vbNo Then

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Hidden = False

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Checked = True

Form.Zone(20 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

Form.Zone(19 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

End If


MsgBox "Shipped items exceeds number ordered - item flagged for workflow.", 48, "FLAGGED LINE ITEM"

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Hidden = False

Form.Zone(41 + (nCurrentLine - 1)).Box(1).Checked = True

Form.Zone(20 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

Form.Zone(19 + (2 * (nCurrentLine - 1))).Box(1).Checked = False

End If

If nCurrentLine <> nMaxLines Then

Form.Zone(nCurrentZone + 2).Box(1).Flagged = True

Form.Zone(nCurrentZone + 1).Box(1).Skip = True



End If

End If


This.Box(1).Flagged = True

End If

End If