Configuring the Retention Time of Application and Error Log Files - Brainware Intelligent Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Installation

Brainware Intelligent Capture
Foundation 23.1

To configure the retention time of application and error log files, complete the following step in your BIC database.

  • The specified LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles does not apply to Runtime Server instances. For more information about deleting log files for Runtime Server, see "Delete log files" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Runtime Server Help.
  • Each BIC application deletes its own file.
  • Cleaning is done once per day.
  • To determine whether a file is to be deleted, the cleaning process uses the creation time of the file, which is part of the file name.
  • If this setting is not configured, no files are deleted.
  • To revert to the default setting, set LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles to 0.
Update the following command with the desired number of days and then execute the command.
  • For SQL Server

    exec sp_SetGlobalApplicationSetting 'LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles', '[Number of Days]', True


    exec sp_SetGlobalApplicationSetting 'LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles', '5', True

  • For Oracle

    exec sp_SetGlobalApplicationSetting ('LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles', '[Number of Days]', 1)


    exec sp_SetGlobalApplicationSetting ('LogTotalDaysToKeepFiles', '5', 1)