To install BIC, complete the following procedures.
- Download the setup package.
- Optional. See About Help Files for information on how to modify the help file location.
Optional. Complete one of the following substeps to verify
database permissions.
Note: To create the database during BIC installation, you must have user credentials which have the proper permissions.
- Install BIC attended or Install BIC unattended.
- Optional. Modify the application-specific HelpLink parameters
- If you did not install the database with the installation wizard, complete the steps in Install the Datbase manually.
- Optional. Encrypt a password for a database connection string.
- Copy the license file. For more information, see "Copy the license file to local license directories" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Product Licensing Guide.
- Configure Internet Information Services and Web Verifier, if the installation includes Web Verifier
- Configure BIC security
- Configure BIC runtime components