Image Conversion
Consider the following information to improve Web Verifier performance.
Opening documents in Web Verifier that failed during classification or extraction may cause performance issues. The Runtime Server properties provide the following settings to convert failed images to PNG to speed up the loading time.
Convert image to display format after failed classification
Convert image to display format after failed extraction
For more information, see "About display formats" and "Set display format" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Runtime Server Help.
Remote Matching Service
The Remote Matching Service (RMS) is an implementation of the Associative Search Engine. RMS is capable of supporting large search data pools and is highly recommended for BIC installations including Web Verifier.
For more information, see "Associative Search Engine" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer Help.
Delayed Validation
The "Allow delayed validation" feature increases the validation performance in Verifier and Web Verifier by reducing the number of server requests.
For more information, see "About delayed validation" and "Modify the validation rules for a field" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer Help.