To install the add-on, complete the following steps:
Stop or exit the following services and applications.
- All RTS and RTS services instances.
- All Designer instances
- All Brainware Intelligent Capture Core Service instances.
- All Page Designer instances.
- All Components Version Info instances.
Backup the contents of your Kadmos 5 directory.
Note: The default directory is: [drive:]\[installation directory]\Components\Cairo\Kadmos5.
Backup the BIC Cairo license file.
Note: The default directory is: [drive:]\[installation directory]\Components\Cairo.
- From the installation directory, run Kadmos5 Server Edition Add-on Version 5.0p.exe.
- In the Kadmos5 Server Edition Add-on Version 5.0p page, click Next.
- In the License Agreement page, read and accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Next.
- In the Kadmos5 Server Edition Add-on Version 5.0p page, click Finish.
- In [drive:]\[installation directory]\Components\Cairo, replace the existing BIC Cairo license file with the updated license file.
- From the [drive:]\[Installation directory]\Components\Tools directory, open the Kadmos5 Server Edition Add-on Version 5.0p.log file and check for success or error messages.