Configure Asian language recognition - Brainware for Invoices - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware for Invoices Installation Guide

Brainware for Invoices

If your system processes documents using a supported Asian language (Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Thai), you need to complete the steps below to configure the recognition. Some of these steps involve making changes to the registry.The location of the correct registry hive where you need to make your changes depends on the version of the core product that is installed. You can find the correct hive name to use by checking the value of the CID key from the Cedar node within the software registry. On a 32-bit machine the path to the Cedar node is as follows:


On a 64-bit machine the path to the Cedar node is:


In the steps below, the hive name is represented as <HiveName>. If you used the BFI or ICAL installer, the registry settings are created automatically so you do not need to add them manually.

Prerequisite: It is recommended that projects involving documents with Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Thai (CJKT) characters are processed using a separate instance of the <project>.sdp file, one instance per CJKT language. This recommendation is because the Abbyy Finereader 10 engine has been noted to exhibit slower performance when CJKT languages are added to the system, as well as a lower character recognition rate for documents that do not contain CJKT characters.

  1. Using Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer, open the <project>.sdp file.
  2. Navigate to Project settings.
  3. On the Definition Mode tab, select the Use multi-byte encoding check box.
  4. Save the <project>.sdp file.
  5. In Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer definition mode, at the project level node, open the OCR Settings.
  6. To activate Japanese, on the Recognition tab, select Japanese+English and add it to the Used list. If a standalone entry already exists for English then this can be removed.
  7. To activate simplified Chinese, on the Recognition tab, select ChinesePRC+English and add it to the Used list. If a standalone entry already exists for English then this can be removed.
  8. To activate Korean, on the Recognition tab, in the Installed list, select Korean and add it to the Used list.
  9. To activate Thai, on the Recognition tab, in the Installed list, select Thai and add it to the Used list.
  10. Open Windows registry editor.
  11. For a 32-bit machine, in the left pane, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > <HiveName>. For a 64-bit machine, in the left pane, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > <HiveName>.
  12. Under the <HiveName> node, create a new key and name it CJKT Support.
  13. In the new CJKT Support folder, create a DWORD value and name it CJKT_MinimalSymbolSequenceLengthForWordsSplit.
  14. Assign the new registry key a value of 1.