Define an Installation Directory - Brainware for Invoices - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware for Invoices Installation Guide

Brainware for Invoices

The Install Directory screen allows you to define the installation directory for the Brainware for Invoices project. This path can be local to the server or a UNC path; however, the user running the installer must have access rights to this directory.

The installer validates that the target installation directory entered by the user is empty. If any file(s) is found, a warning message is displayed, enabling the user to either:

  • Change the directory entered or selected

  • Remove the file(s) present in the directory

  • Abort the installation

Additionally, you can define the Brainware for Invoices project file's name. During installation, the following three directories are created within the defined installation directory.

  • Import - The Runtime Server Instance for Import is configured to poll this directory for incoming documents.

  • Global - The project, INI, sample CSVs, and Train directory are copied to this location. The project and INI files are then renamed to the defined Project file name.

  • Export - The Runtime Server Instance for Export is configured to export documents to this directory.