Install the SAP .NET Connector - Brainware for Invoices - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware for Invoices Installation Guide

Brainware for Invoices

If you choose to connect to SAP using Remote Function Calls, Brainware for Invoices requires SAP .NET Connector 3.1 for x86 (32 bit) to be installed on all machines running the solution. The minimum version of .NET Framework that is required for the connector is .NET Framework 4.6.2. You do not need to install the SAP .NET Connector if you only want to connect to SAP using web services.

You can download this connector from the SAP Service Marketplace. The download is in the form of a zip file called

Once downloaded, complete the following steps to install and set up SAP for Brainware for Invoices.

  1. Extract the ZIP file into the directory of your choice.
  2. Double-click the file called SapNCox86Setup.exe to launch the installer.
  3. Follow the instructions provided by the installer and complete the installation. The installer automatically places the DLLs into the Global Assembly Cache. BFI looks into this cache to find the DLL references. There is no option to install the DLLs into a specific directory.
  4. Finish.
    The connector supports Unicode and non-Unicode SAP systems.