Configure the project database connection strings - Brainware for Invoices - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware for Invoices Installation Guide

Brainware for Invoices

Within the BFI configuration database, a global table is provided where you can maintain the database connection strings used by the solution. These database connection strings include the connection to the core Brainware Intelligent Capture database, and can also include connections to the BFI Reporting database and other databases used for data lookups.

The solution supports database connections to either SQL Server or an Oracle database.

The core BFI solution uses a hard-coded provider to connect to the destination database. This provider is set to System.Data.SQLClient for SQL Server databases and Oracle.ManagedDataAcess for Oracle databases. The provider in the connection string is only used by the system to determine which type of database you want to connect to. For an Oracle database, the provider must contain the string pattern ORAOLEDB for the connection to be successful. If this string pattern is not present, the system assumes that it is connecting to an SQL server type database.

For database connections that are invoked in Winwrap script, for example in a user exit or for the Verifier processing instructions dialog, the provider specified in the connection string is used. Hence, you must ensure that this provider is available on the machine executing the call.

To configure the project database connection strings, complete the following steps.

  1. Select Database Settings from the Global Settings tree structure.

    This will present you with a screen where you can set the connection strings to databases to be used by the invoices solution. By default, three database connection screens are added during installation.

  2. For the first line, with Index ID 1, change the connection string to match the connection to the BFI solution database. This is the same connection string that you entered into the project INI file. The system knows that this string represents the BFI configuration database as the Index ID matches the ID entered against the SQL Connection Group parameter in General Settings.
  3. For the second line, with Index ID 2, change the existing string to represent the connection to the Brainware core platform database. Index ID 2 corresponds to the entry against the Batch SQL Connection Group parameter in General Settings. This step is optional depending upon whether batches are stored in the Brainware core platform database.
  4. For the third line, with Index ID 3, change the existing string to represent the connection to the BFI Reporting database. This step is optional depending upon whether the solution is required to write data into the BFI reporting tables.
  5. For each connection string, an encrypted password may be used as opposed to specifying the database user password within the connection string itself. For more information, refer to the Password Encryption section in the BFI User Guide.
  6. Save the changes.