To create a classification tree, complete the following steps.
- On the toolbar, click the Switch to Definition Mode button.
- To add a base class, in the left pane, on the Classes tab, right-click the project and then click Insert Base DocClass.
In the
Create New Base DocClass dialog box, enter a
name for the class and then click
Note: A valid name consists of alphanumeric characters without spaces or special characters. Later, you can define a different display name in the Document Class properties. For more information, see About Display Names.
- Click OK to confirm. The new class is inserted below the root class in alphabetical order.
- Repeat this process until all base classes are created.
- To add a derived class, right-click a class and then click Insert Derived DocClass.
- In the Create New Derived DocClass dialog box, enter a name for the class and then click OK.