The Statistic View Tab - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external
Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer
- Platform
- Brainware
- Product
- Designer
- Release
- Foundation 23.1
- License
- Classification-related columns on the Statistic View tab
- Class Hierarchy
- Class name and position within the classification scheme
- Count
- Number of documents assigned to a class or total number of
processed documents. Numbers are accumulated until you stop processing.
- Classification Level
- Mean confidence for assignments to a class.
- Classification Difference
- Comparison of actual classification results with results from a
reference file. The first number represents the number of different
classifications in this run; the second one represents the total number of
classifications in this run. If there is a difference between test results and
reference results, this is indicated by the red color.
- Classif Level
- Actual number of classifications vs. maximum number of
classifications for the selected class in percent.
- Classification Diff.
- Class-level comparison of actual extraction results with results
from a reference file. The first number represents the number of differences;
the second one represents the total number of extractions. If there is a
difference between test results and reference results, this is indicated by the
red color.
- Extraction-related columns in the lower left pane
- Field Recognition Rate
- Actual number of extractions vs. maximum number of extractions
for the selected document in percent.
- Extraction Diff.
- Document-level comparison of actual extraction results with
results from a reference file. The first number represents the number of
differences; the second one represents the total number of extractions. If
there is a difference between test results and reference results, this is
indicated by the red color.