Modify the Class-Level Settings - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To modify the class-level settings, complete the following steps.

  1. Switch to Definition Mode.
  2. In the left pane, on the Classes tab, select a class.
  3. In the right pane, on the Classification tab, under Used Classification Engines for this DocClass, select Brainware Classify Engine.
  4. On the Brainware Classify Engine tab, select a view.
  5. Optional. To use a different display name for the class, on the Document Class tab, in the Display Name field, enter a name.
  6. Optional. To exclude the class as classification result, on the Document Class tab, clear the This DocClass is a valid Classification Result check box.
  7. Optional. To hide the class in Verifier, clear the Visible in correction check box.
  8. Optional. To push the classification to the children of this class, select the Force Subtree Classification check box and modify the values for Threshold and Distance under Subtree classification.
  9. Optional. To redirect the classification result, from the Redirection Classification Result list, select a class.
  10. Optional. Select the Redirect after completion of extraction check box.
  11. To apply a static page count to all documents of this class, select the static page count check box and specify the number of pages.
  12. Under Table Training, select either Automatically using Learnset or Manually.
  13. From the Classification Field list, select the field which is used as classification field in Supervised Learning.
  14. To set up validation rules, select the Validation tab.