About Project-Level Recognition Settings - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

The project-level recognition settings are assigned to a special reading zone, the All zone. This zone represents the entire page. The All zone applies to all pages of the document. The system automatically synchronizes the project-level and page-level settings.

Note: Do not modify the properties of the All zone directly, since some of the options, such as the Anchor options, do not make sense when applied to the entire document set.

The project-level recognition settings affect the following steps.

  • The classification step
  • Extraction steps using the Format Analysis engine
  • Extraction steps using the Zone Analysis Engine, provided that no different settings are specified at the zone level.

Project-level settings affect every document processed with this project. They influence both quality and performance. Therefore, be very careful when changing them.

Modify the project-level settings if your classification does not work properly due to OCR problems, or if you have OCR-related problems getting candidates from format analysis. You also should edit at the project-level to change the default engines for each recognition type.