To specify the OCR settings, complete the following steps.
- Switch to Definition Mode.
- In the left pane, on the Classes tab, right-click the project and then click Show Properties.
- In the right pane, on the Project tab, click the OCR Settings button.
In the
OCR Properties dialog box, on the
Preprocessing tab, under
Available Methods, select any of the following
methods and then click the arrow button to move it to the
Selected Methods list.
- To convert images to black-and-white images, select Binarisation.
- Box and Comb Removal
- Clean Border
- Despeckle. For more information, see About Despeckling.
- To revert white-on-black pages to black-on-white pages, select Invert.
- Lines Manager
If you selected
Box and Comb Removal, complete the following
- In the Selected Methods list, select Box and Comb Removal.
- On the Box or Comb Removal tab, select both Box Removal and Automatic.
If you selected
Lines Manager, complete the following
- In the Selected Methods list, select Lines Manager.
- On the General tab, select Remove Horizontal Lines, Remove Vertical Lines, and Repair Characters.
- On the Recognition tab, under Recognition, select OCR.
- From the Available Engines list, select an engine.
- On the General and Recognition tabs, review the settings based on your document quality.
- On the Languages tab, select Digits and English, and if required, add other languages.