Modify the Settings on the Preprocessing Tab - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To modify the preprocessing settings, complete the following steps.

  1. Right-click the zone and then click Properties.
  2. In the Zone Properties dialog box, on the Preprocessing tab, under Available Methods, select any of the following methods and then click the arrow button to move it to the Selected Methods list.
    • Binarisation: Select this method to convert images to black-and-white images.
    • Box and Comb Removal: Select this method to remove black boxes or regular and irregular combs.
    • Clean Border: Select this method to improve the quality of images with a dark border as, for example, often generated in photo copies.
    • Despeckle: Select this method to remove speckles.
    • Invert: Select this method to revert white-on-black pages to black-on-white pages.
    • Lines Manager: Select this method to remove horizontal or vertical lines from your document.
  3. Optional. To disable a preprocessing method, under Selected Methods, select an entry and then click the arrow button to move it to the Available Methods list.
  4. Optional. To order the preprocessing methods, under Selected Methods, select an entry and then click the arrow up or down button.
    Note: The methods perform in the listed order.
  5. If you selected Box and Comb Removal, complete the following substeps.
    1. In the Selected Methods list, select Box and Comb Removal.
    2. On the Box or Comb Removal tab, modify the settings.
  6. If you selected Lines Manager, complete the following substeps.
    1. In the Selected Methods list, select Lines Manager.
    2. Optional. On the General tab, to remove horizontal lines, select Remove hor. lines and then enter a minimum line length in millimeters in the line - horizontal field.
    3. Optional. To remove vertical lines, select Remove ver. lines. Enter a minimum line length in millimeters in the line - vertical field.
    4. Optional. Select Repair Characters.
  7. To test the effect of the methods, complete the following substeps.
    1. Ensure that the current document is visible and not hidden behind the dialog box.
    2. To test the selected methods, click the All Steps button.
      Note: The required time displays below the button. In case of performance issues, check the sum of recognition time and preprocessing time. Even if preprocessing takes a while, it may accelerate recognition.
    3. View the document to check the preprocessing effects.
    4. Optional. If you want to repeat the test, click the Reset button before you proceed.