Switch to Document Input Selection Mode - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To switch to Document Input Selection mode, complete the following steps.

  1. On the toolbar, click the Switch to Document Input Selection button.
    Note: Depending on the current input type the appearance of this button varies.
  2. To select the input type, from the Switch to Document Input Selection list, select one of the following options.
    • To use directories as input source, select Directory.

      The button changes to .

    • To use batches as input source, select Batch.

      The button changes to .

      This menu item is not available if you did not specify the Batch-Root Directory on the Input Mode tab in the settings.

    • To use the Learn Set as input source, select Learn Set.

      The button changes to .

      This menu item is not available if you did not specify the Learn Set Manager Base Directory on the Train Mode tab in the settings.