To specify the Verifier Train Mode settings, complete the following steps.
- From the Options menu, select Settings.
- To create new classes using the supplier’s name and to create a learnset, select the Apply local classification and extraction automatically check box.
- Select the Prompt if script forces or rejects insertion to the Learnset check box.
Put document to local Learnset, select one of
the following options.
Situation Steps Verify that a document was added to the learnset if the document count is updated for a class created as the result of supplier extraction. - Select Only if adding activated by a user.
Learn documents only when they are initially unclassified. - Select Automatically if more than [x]% invalid fields and clear Always prompt before adding.
Automatically verify that a document was added to the learnset if the number of documents in the class was updated and to learn documents when the specified percentage of fields is invalid before they are manually corrected. - Select Automatically if more than [x] % invalid fields and Always prompt before adding.
Learn new documents, select one of the
following options.
Situation Steps Initiate learning only if the user requests it. - Select Only by user request.
Initiate learning for every batch in the project each time any batch is closed. - Select Before batch closing.
Initiate learning any time a document is added to the learnset. - Select Immediately.
- Select Save all path information relative to the project file and then click OK.