Configure the Cleqs Barcode Engine - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To configure the Cleqs Barcode engine, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Field OCR Settings Properties dialog box, under Recognition Type, select Barcode.
  2. From the Available Engines list, select Cleqs Barcode.
  3. On the General tab, complete the following substeps as required.
    • Use the slider to modify the Confidence Threshold value.
    • To specify the maximum number of bar codes to recognize within the reading zone, modify the value in the Max. number of Barcodes field.
      Note: The default value is 10. Reducing the number increases the recognition speed.
    • To specify the bar code minimum length in characters, modify the value in the Min. number of chars field.
    • To specify the bar code maximum length in characters, modify the value in the Max. number of chars field.
    • To accept bar codes only if all characters are recognized, that means no rejects select Return only decodable barcodes.
  4. On the Restrictions tab, complete the following substeps as required.
    • To recognize bar codes, select Barcode and then select the bar code types you expect to find.
      Note: Do not check more options than required as this slows down processing and affects accuracy.
    • To recognize patch codes, select Patchcode.
      Note: A patch code is a pattern of horizontal black bars separated by spaces and typically placed near the leading edge of a paper document. Patch codes are used to separate documents.

    • If all bar codes or patch codes are oriented horizontally, select horizontal.
    • If all bar codes or patch codes are oriented vertically, select vertical.
    • If the barcodes can be aligned both horizontally and vertically, select both.
    • To detect white bar codes on a black background, select white.
    • To detect black bar codes on a white background, select black.
    • Too detect both white bar codes on a black background and black bar codes on a white background, select both.
  5. On the Preprocessing tab, complete the following substeps as required.
    • To automatically remove small speckles from the reading zone, select No isolated pixels.
    • To automatically fill small gaps in horizontal lines, select No hor. single pixel gaps.
      Note: This option is recommended to process bar codes with a corresponding orientation.
    • To automatically fill small gaps in vertical lines, select No ver. single pixel gaps.
      Note: This option is recommend processing bar codes with a corresponding orientation.
    • The Erosion filter thins down lines by setting any black pixel to white if it is located at a specified direction to at least one white pixel in the source image. To specify the direction, select either horizontal, vertical, or isotropic, which means all directions.
    • The Dilation filter thickens lines by setting any white pixel to black if it is located at a specified direction to at least one black pixel in the source image. To specify the direction, select either horizontal, vertical, or isotropic, which means all directions.
  6. Click Apply and then click OK.