Configure the FineReader11 Barcode Engine - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To configure the FineReader11 Barcode engine, complete the following steps.

  1. In the Field OCR Settings Properties dialog box, under Recognition Type, select Barcode.
  2. From the Available Engines list, select FineReader11 Barcode.
  3. On the Barcode Types tab, select the required bar codes.
  4. On the Extended tab, complete the following substeps as required.
    1. Use the slider to modify the Confidence Threshold value.
      Note: The bar code characters confidence must exceed the configured threshold.
    2. Select one or more Orientation values.
      Clearing a value causes the engine to ignore bar codes with that angle during processing.
    3. To enable the recognition of low bar codes, enter a value in the Min. Height field.

      This property defines the minimum acceptable height of the bar code in relation to the average letter height.

      To allow the engine to automatically adjust this setting, use the default value -1.

    4. If the bar code to be recognized has a checksum, select Validate Checksum.
      Note: This setting only applies to Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, and Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes.
    5. To let the engine check more options of bar code positions, select Advanced Extraction.
      Note: This setting reduces the processing speed and only applies to 2D bar codes.
    6. If the Code 39 bar code to be recognized does not have the asterisks as start and stop symbol, select Without Asterisk.
      Note: This setting only applies to Code 39 bar codes.
  5. Click Apply and then click OK.