Change a Password - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

You can change password only for users created within the project file. Users created by the security update feature do not display in the user name list. To change a password, complete the following steps.

  1. From the Options menu, select Users, Groups and Roles.
  2. In the Project Authentication Properties dialog box, on the Change Password tab, from the User name list, select the required user.
  3. Optional. To display the passwords, select Decode password.
  4. In the Old password field, enter the current password.
  5. In the New password field, enter the new password.
    Note: The minimum character length for a password is 7, the maximum character length is 20. The password must include both alphanumeric and numeric characters.
  6. In the Confirm new password field, reenter the new password.
  7. Click Apply and then click OK.
  8. Optional. To activate the Update passwords in Database option on the Change Password tab in Verifier and Designer, select the Allow Database Authentication option.