General Validation Settings for an Amount Field - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1
Amount Range
Select this setting to enable the Min. Amount and Max. Amount fields for validating a range of values.
Min. Amount
Fields with lower values are invalid.
Max. Amount
Fields with higher values are invalid.
Provides predefined regional amount settings.
Currency Symbol
Currency symbol for the selected region.
Positive Format
Uses the currency settings for the selected region and standard currency formats for depicting positive numbers.
Negative Format
Uses the currency settings for the selected region and standard currency formats for depicting negative numbers.
Decimal Symbol
Decimal separator. This options works only in combination with “Decimal Places”.
Note: You cannot use the same symbol as for the thousands separator.
Decimal Places
Number of digits that may appear after the decimal symbol. This is useful for truncating decimal characters. This options works only in combination with “Decimal Symbol”.
1000 Separator
Thousands separator. This options works only in combination with “Digit grouping”.
Note: You cannot use the same symbol as for the decimal symbol.
Digit grouping
You can select to have two or three characters per group or not to group digits at all. This options works only in combination with “1000 separator”.