Modify the Character Filtering Settings - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To modify the character filtering settings, complete the following steps.

  1. Under Valid Characters, complete one of the following substeps.
    Note: These settings are not available for amount fields.
    • To allow all numbers, click the All Numbers button.
    • To allow all characters, click the All Characters button.
    • To allow all numbers and all characters, click the All button.
    • To allow only specific characters, click one or more of the buttons representing the character you want to allow.
  2. Optional. In the Remove Characters field, enter the characters you want to remove.
    Note: Amount and date fields provide the following predefined list of characters to be removed. You can modify this list.
: ;" ' & ? ~ ! @ # % ^ *.
  3. Optional. Under Replace Characters, complete the following substeps.
    1. In the Old Char column, enter the character you want to replace.
    2. In the New Char column, enter the character you want to insert.
  4. Optional. Complete the following substeps.
    1. To accept all OCR results, regardless of quality, select No Rejects.
    2. To determine the minimum OCR confidence for the content to be validated, in the OCR Confidence field, specify a percentage value.
      Note: A low confidence level mandates excellent OCR quality.
  5. Under Input Conversion, select one of the following options.
    • To prevent conversion, select No Conversion.
    • To convert all character in the field to upper case, select Upper Case.
    • To convert all character in the field to lower case, select Lower Case.