To configure smart indexing, complete the following steps.
You must have a form
with at least two form fields, an existing database table that contains the
corresponding columns, and an OLE DB provider for the database installed.
- Select the form field that you want to use as a smart index field.
- In the right vertical toolbar, click the Define Smart Indexing button.
In the
Smart indexing definition dialog box, click
Select Data Source button.
Note: The dialog displays the available fields. The smart index field highlights in yellow and is marked with a key icon.
- In the Data Link Properties dialog box, on the Provider tab, select the appropriate OLE DB provider for the data you want to access and then click Next.
On the
Connection tab, specify the connection
properties and then click
The properties are provider-specific. For more information, click the Help button.
- In the Smart indexing definition dialog box, from the Select database table list, select a database table.
In the
Database Field column, click a cell.
A list containing the names of all columns of the selected table displays.
Map columns to the smart index field and all lookup fields.
Note: Smart indexing fills each field that is assigned to a database column.
Optional. Double-click each additional field that you want to use
as index field.
Note: The search criteria are evaluated using AND joins, that means there must be a matching row for both index values.The corresponding fields are marked with key icons.
To limit the number of results, enter an entry into the
Maximum # of SmartIndex hits field.
Note: A database lookup using one index term may return multiple results. In interactive mode, a dialog box opens where the user can select the appropriate record.
Further Settings, specify where and when smart
indexing should be performed. Complete any of the following substeps.
- To perform smart indexing during the automatic extraction step by the Runtime Server, select Use in automatic extraction.
- To enable smart indexing during the extraction verification or the manual indexing step in Verifier, select Use in manual field validation.
- To perform the lookup on validation, select
Start smart indexing. Note: For example, the lookup is performed on validation when the user presses Enter in the index field. Otherwise, the user needs to press Alt+F12 to trigger smart indexing.
- To enable the user to check and correct the values retrieved from the database, select Reconfirm smart indexing. Note This is the recommended setting. Otherwise, the retrieved values are validated automatically.
- To accept a valid lookup result that consists of multiple values, select Accept multiple hits.
- To accept a valid lookup result with multiple values obtained using different index fields, select Accept different.