Configure the Table Validation Properties - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

You can only have tables in a form if table extraction is configured for the corresponding document class. A form can have more than one table. When table extraction is configured, you must set the table validation properties.

If required, you can make your columns invisible. The invisible columns must be valid to validate the entire table.

In table validation, the single table cells behave like fields in regular data extraction. To configure the table validation properties, complete the following steps.

  1. On the form, right-click the table and then click Properties.
  2. In the Properties dialog box, complete one of the following actions.
    Situation Steps
    Optimize the column width automatically according to the column content.
    1. Select Automatic Column Sizing.
    2. In the Maximum Column Width field, enter the value in pixels.
    Note: The user can nevertheless change the column width at runtime, but after a document change, the automatic setting is used again.
    Specify a fixed width for the columns.
    1. Select Fixed Column Sizing.
    2. In the Column Width field, enter the value in pixels.
    Note: This value applies to all columns except the last one. The user can change the column width at runtime, but after a document change, the fixed setting is used again.
    Enable the user to modify the column width at runtime.
    • Select Manual Column Sizing.
  3. Optional. If you want the user to navigate through the table line by line from left to right, select Validate Table Line by Line.
  4. Optional. If you want the user to navigate through the table column by column from top to bottom, select Validate Table Column by Column.
  5. Optional. Under Size & Position, modify the values for size and position of the viewer on the form.
  6. Optional. To lock the table against edits, select Read Only table.
  7. Optional. To enable faster verification, select Auto-completion.
    Note: Auto completion might include check boxes or combo boxes, as well as automatic word completion when typing text.
  8. Optional. Select Cell Position Check.
  9. Optional. To modify the column settings, click the Column Settings button.
  10. Optional. In the Table Columns Properties dialog box, complete any of the following substeps.
    • Use the arrow buttons to reorder the columns.
    • In the Display Name field, enter a name.
    • To protect a column from edits, select Read-only.