Display all Forms of the Project or a Class - Designer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Designer

Foundation 23.1

To display all forms of the project or a class, complete the following step.

Complete one of the following actions.
Situation Steps
Display all forms of the project.
  • From the Edit menu, select Verification Form > Show All.
Display all forms of a class
  • In the upper left pane, select a class.
The forms of the project or the selected class display in the middle left pane and provide the following information.
Column Description
Form Name Displays the name of the form. It is generated automatically and consists of the prefix Form, the name of the associated document class, and a consecutive number.
Default Displays “Yes” if the form is the default form of a document class. Default forms are used for each input state, unless another form has been explicitly assigned to an input state.
In Filter Displays the input state assigned to a form, or Default if no specific input state has been selected.
Out Filter Displays the output state assigned to a form, or Default if no specific output state was selected. Output states are relevant if partial validation of documents is allowed and are for example useful in the context of exception handling.
Assigned to Displays the name of the assigned document class.