Set Display Format - Runtime Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Runtime Server

Runtime Server
Foundation 23.1

To set the display of images for documents that do not successfully process, complete the following steps.

In the Extended processing tab, in the Display Format section, select one the following options.
  • For classification, to store images as PNG files in the database for documents that failed, select Convert image to display format after failed classification.
  • To convert the images for documents that failed in classification when the user opens the batch for verification in Web Verifier, clear this option.
  • For extraction, to store images as PNG files in the database for documents that failed, select Convert image to display format after failed extraction
  • To convert the images for documents that failed in extraction when the user opens the batch for verification in Web Verifier, clear this option.