Define Import Conditions - Runtime Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Runtime Server

Runtime Server
Foundation 23.1

To define the conditions that start the import and batch generation, complete one of the following steps.

In the Import tab, in the Import Conditions section, select one of the following options.
  • SelectAlways import documents to have the system import all files in the import directory.
  • Select Import only if ready file available in directory if you want the system to import files created by external systems. With this option in the box, type the name of the file that will be present in the directory or subdirectory to start the import.
  • Select Import only if minimal number to start the import when the import directory including subdirectories contains at least the specified number of files. With this option, in the box, type an integer to specify the minimum number.
  • Select Import only if all files older than to start the import only if all files in the import directory including subdirectories are older than the specified timespan. With this option, in the box, type an integer to specify a number value and in the list box, select the timespan.
    Note: If there are one or more files that do not meet the specified criteria, the instance does not import any files.
  • Select Import if min. no. docs available OR all files older than specified timespan to combine the options “Import only if minimal number” and “Import only if all file older than”.
  • Select Import only files which are older than specified timespan to import the files whose timestamps is older than the specified timespan.