Install BIC SCM through Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Installer - Solution Configuration Manager - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Solution Configuration Manager Installation Guide

Solution Configuration Manager

You can install BIC Solution Configuration Manager by following the steps mentioned in the Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Installer. The BIC Solution Configuration Manager Installer is currently usable for new installations only and does not support an upgrade.

When you run the installer, it checks for an existing installation of SCM. If it finds any existence of SCM, it throws a warning message. You must acknowledge the warning message, abort the installation and uninstall SCM before continuing with the installer. For more information on how to uninstall SCM, refer to Uninstall SCM.

If you use the installer for upgrading an existing application, it may cause the files to get deleted or corrupted.

The SCM Installer installs an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate in order to provide a secure browsing experience. It is mandatory to configure SSL (https) for SCM when you are using the SCM installer.

It is recommended that you use SCM by obtaining an SSL certificate from a reliable Certificate Authority (CA) and installing it. A self-signed certificate created by the SCM installer should only be used for testing purposes or for KT or POC. It is not recommended to use self-signed certificate in production server.

The https mode is enabled, by default. However, the http mode can also be used by manually modifying some settings after the installation process is complete. Fore more information refer to SSL Certificate.

The ability to install or deploy SCM package(s) for Solutions (BFI, BFT) as an automated step of the SCM Installer has been removed. Solution SCM Packages will only be available on the Downloads page specific to the Solution version involved. Once SCM is installed, Solution SCM Packages can be deployed using the existing capability within SCM. This helps in removing any dependencies or requirements to deploy solution packages as a part of the SCM installation process.


Any manual modifications to the IIS must be done before or after using the SCM Installer. You must ensure that IIS is not in use during the installation process. Also ensure that IIS Default Website is not being configured by any other system at the same time.

The SCM Installer contains the following artifacts.

  • The SCM Installer

  • The Database Scripts needed to create the SCM Database (both SQL Server and Oracle)

  • Configuration file for silent installer - SCMSettings.xml

You need administrator privilege to run the Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Setup Wizard. To install BIC SCM through Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Installer, complete the following steps.

  1. Launch the Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Setup Wizard (Brainware_Solution_Configuration_Manager.exe) in admin mode. A warning message is displayed.
  2. Read carefully and select the I understand and want to continue the installation check box to acknowledge the warning and click Next. The License Agreement window is displayed.
  3. Select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box and click Next. The Install Directory window is displayed.
  4. Enter the directory path where you want to install SCM in the Install Solution Configuration Manager Web Files to box and then click Next. The Setting IIS Application Pool Identity window is displayed.
  5. Select the account using which you want to set up the application pool identity. You can use the built-in account (selected by default) or create a custom account. Whichever account is used, the AppPool identity user must have modify permission on the web application's physical path and migration packet share(s). If appropriate permissions are not set, connection string passwords will be stored in plain text in the web.config file and no trace log will be created. This user must also have necessary permission to access to the private keys of the SSL certificate. Click Next. The Select Certificates for SSL Configuration window is displayed.
    • For custom accounts, the user and the server needs to be in the same domain.
    • The Select Certificate for SSL Configuration window is only displayed if the Default Web Site is not configured with SSL with port 443 prior to SCM installation. If it is already configured, then the installer uses the pre-configured SSL settings and this window is not displayed. The App Pool Identity user must have permission to access the private key of the pre-configured SSL certificate.

  6. In the Select Certificates for SSL Configuration window, perform any of the following steps:
    • If you want the SCM Installer to create an SSL certificate, in the Self Signed Certificate box, click Create. A pop-up window appears. Enter a name for the certificate and click OK. A new self signed certificate is created. The name of the SSL certificate created by the system is displayed in the Summary page. (See step number 15). For more information, refer to the Using a self-signed SSL certificate section in the SSL Certificate .


      A self-signed certificate should only be used for testing purposes or for KT or POC.

    • Or,

    • If an SSL certificate already exists, select the relevant certificate in the Existing Certificate drop-down. The name of the SSL certificate selected by you is displayed in the Summary page. (See step number 15). For more information, refer to the Using an Existing Certificate section in the SSL Certificate .


      The user account used for the Application Pool must have necessary permission to access to the private keys of the selected SSL certificate. For more information, refer to Manage User Account Permissions for SSL Certificate.

    • After creating a self-signed certificate, when you launch the SCM application, it opens in secure mode (https enabled). However, a certificate error message is displayed in the browser as the certificates created by the installer are not approved by the certificate authority. This also occurs when you select an existing SSL certificate which is not approved by the certificate authority. You can ignore this error as this is normal and acceptable. However, if you do not want to view this error, you can obtain a certificate from the certificate authority and select that certificate during SCM installation.

    Scenario Actions
    SSL Certificate exists in IIS Default Website with port number 443 The existing configuration will be maintained with no modifications.
    SSL Certificate exists in IIS Default Website with a different port number (other than 443) SCM Installer will prompt you to create a new SSL certificate or select an existing certificate.
    SSL Certificate does not exist in IIS SCM Installer will prompt you to create a new SSL certificate or select an existing certificate.
  7. Click Next. The Database Creation window is displayed.
  8. Perform one of the following options.
    • Click the Database created by the installation option if you want the installer to set up the database as part of the installation process.

      Note: The database scripts must reside in the same directory as the Installer.exe file. The installation will not work, if these folders are moved or deleted by the user.
    • Click the Database created manually by the user option if you want to set up the database manually.
  9. Click Next. The SCM Database Connection window is displayed.
  10. Click Change. The Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Setup dialog box is displayed.
  11. In the OLE DB Provider drop-down, select Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.
    The provider version must be MSOLEDBSQL 18.6.4 or lower.
  12. In the Enter a server or file name field, enter your server name.
  13. In the Log on to the server area, click Use a specific username and password and enter your user name and password.
  14. Click Test Connection to verify if the database connection has been created successfully.
    If test connection fails, check if the server name and username and passwords are correct.
  15. Click OK. The SCM Connection String box is populated with the database connection string.
    If database tables already exist, a warning message is displayed. Click OK to acknowledge the warning message. You must manually remove the existing database tables, select a new database to continue, or abort the installation. The installer cannot be used to overwrite existing database tables.
  16. Click Next. The Migration Packet Share Paths window is displayed.
  17. In the Import Share Path box, enter the share path for the Import packet.
  18. In the Export Share Path box, enter the share path for the export packet and click Next. The Brainware Intelligent Capture Connection String window is displayed.
  19. In the Brainware Intelligent Capture Connection String box, specify the Brainware Intelligent Capture core connection string and click Next. The Summary window is displayed.
  20. Review the installation details that you have selected and click Install. The Installing Brainware Solution Configuration Manager window is displayed.
  21. After the installation is complete, click Next. The Completed the Brainware Solution Configuration Manager Setup Wizard window is displayed.
  • When connecting to the SCM application for the first time with Oracle, a user may experience an error like "Internal Server Error, the requested page can't be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid." To resolve this issue, refer to Troubleshooting .
  • The Web.config file for the Solution Configuration Manager contains an App Setting with an Effective Date Format. If you select a database date format that is different from the one that is default, you must also set the EffectiveDateFormat setting in the Web.config file accordingly.