SCMSettings.xml - Solution Configuration Manager - 23.1 - 23.1 - Brainware - external

Solution Configuration Manager Installation Guide

Solution Configuration Manager

Sample SCM Settings XLM file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Configuration>  <InstallPath>C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SCMWeb</InstallPath>  <SCMConnectionString>provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID</SCMConnectionString>  <SCMDatabaseName>SCM_Config</SCMDatabaseName>  <SCMImportPath>C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets</SCMImportPath>  <SCMExportPath>C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets</SCMExportPath>  <!--Choose one of the following Effective Date Formats: SQL Server=yyyy-MM-dd, Oracle=dd-MMM-yy-->  <EffectiveDateFormat>yyyy-MM-dd</EffectiveDateFormat>  <CertificateHash></CertificateHash>  <IISCustomID>0</IISCustomID>  <!--Used only if IISCustomID is 0-->  <IISBuiltinID>NetworkService</IISBuiltinID>  <!--Used only if IISCustomID is 1-->  <IISUserDomain></IISUserDomain>  <IISUserName></IISUserName>  <IISPassword></IISPassword>  <!--End IISCustomID-->  <BICConnectionString>provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID;initial catalog=Hyland_BW</BICConnectionString></Configuration>

The following table describes each XML node.

XML Node Options Description
InstallPath Any path Path of the installation directory where the application will be installed. Ideally it should be a folder in your "wwwroot" folder of the base directory of IIS: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SCMWeb
SCMConnec-tionString String Value Connection string of SCM database (which will be created)

For SQL: provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID

For Oracle: provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID

SCMDatabaseName Any path Name of SCM database (which will be created): SCM_Config
SCMImportPath Any path This is SCM packet import path: C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets
SCMExportPath Any path This is SCM packet Export path. Packet import and export path can be same: C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets
EffectiveDateFormat Date format Choose one of the following Effective Date Formats: SQL Server=yyyy-MM-dd, Oracle=dd-MMM-yy
CertificateHash Blank or Thumbprint of any existing certificate
  • Provide an existing hash or thumbprint of a certificate in case you want to reuse an existing certificate. The IISUserName or IISBuiltinID used in next config, must have at least read permission to the private key of the certificate that is used.
  • For more information, refer to the SSL Certificate topic.
  • Default is blank

  • This field must not be left blank. If CertificateHash is left blank, the installer will crate a new self-signed certificate and use it.

  • Self-signed certificates can cause security problems and are used only for testing, KT and internal purpose, and should not be used in any production environment.

IISCustomID Either 0 or 1 If using custom account for IIS user, then this must be 1 and if built-in accounts used for IIS user then it will be 0.
Note: Currently in SCM 23.1, this feature is not supported for Silent Installation. Silent installation only supports built-in accounts and does not support custom account. So use 0 in this case. UI mode supports custom account. Custom account also can be added once the installation is complete using UI or Silent Installer manually from IIS configuration.
IISBuiltinID Network Service Local Service or Application Pool Identity Use this when you want to use a built-in account. Currently only Network Service is supported.
IISUserDomain String value Domain of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being used.
Note: This is related to custom account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1. Keep this field blank.
IISUserName String value Username of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being used.
Note: This is related to custom account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1. Keep this field blank.
IISPassword String value Password of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being used.
Note: This is related to custom account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1. Keep this field blank.
BICConnec-tionString String value Brainware database connection string information for SQL and Oracle.
  • For SQL: provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=YourPassword;user id=YourUserID;initial catalog=Hyland_BW
  • For Oracle: provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;DATA SOURCE=Your_Server:Port_No/Your_ServiceName;USER ID=YourUserID;PASSWORD=YourPassword