Sample SCM Settings XLM file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Configuration> <InstallPath>C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SCMWeb</InstallPath> <SCMConnectionString>provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID</SCMConnectionString> <SCMDatabaseName>SCM_Config</SCMDatabaseName> <SCMImportPath>C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets</SCMImportPath> <SCMExportPath>C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets</SCMExportPath> <!--Choose one of the following Effective Date Formats: SQL Server=yyyy-MM-dd, Oracle=dd-MMM-yy--> <EffectiveDateFormat>yyyy-MM-dd</EffectiveDateFormat> <CertificateHash></CertificateHash> <IISCustomID>0</IISCustomID> <!--Used only if IISCustomID is 0--> <IISBuiltinID>NetworkService</IISBuiltinID> <!--Used only if IISCustomID is 1--> <IISUserDomain></IISUserDomain> <IISUserName></IISUserName> <IISPassword></IISPassword> <!--End IISCustomID--> <BICConnectionString>provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID;initial catalog=Hyland_BW</BICConnectionString></Configuration>
The following table describes each XML node.
XML Node | Options | Description |
InstallPath | Any path | Path of the installation directory where the application will be installed. Ideally it should be a folder in your "wwwroot" folder of the base directory of IIS: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SCMWeb |
SCMConnec-tionString | String Value | Connection string of SCM database (which will be created) For SQL: provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID For Oracle: provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=Your_Server\Your_Instance_Name;password=Your_Password;user id=Your_User_ID |
SCMDatabaseName | Any path | Name of SCM database (which will be created): SCM_Config |
SCMImportPath | Any path | This is SCM packet import path: C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets |
SCMExportPath | Any path | This is SCM packet Export path. Packet import and export path can be same: C:\BrainwareProjects\SCMPackets |
EffectiveDateFormat | Date format | Choose one of the following Effective Date Formats: SQL Server=yyyy-MM-dd, Oracle=dd-MMM-yy |
CertificateHash | Blank or Thumbprint of any existing certificate |
IISCustomID | Either 0 or 1 | If using custom account for IIS user, then this must be 1 and if
built-in accounts used for IIS user then it will be 0. Note: Currently in SCM 23.1, this feature is not
supported for Silent Installation. Silent installation only
supports built-in accounts and does not support custom account.
So use 0 in this case. UI mode supports custom account. Custom
account also can be added once the installation is complete
using UI or Silent Installer manually from IIS
IISBuiltinID | Network Service Local Service or Application Pool Identity | Use this when you want to use a built-in account. Currently only Network Service is supported. |
IISUserDomain | String value | Domain of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being
used. Note: This is related to custom
account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1.
Keep this field blank.
IISUserName | String value | Username of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being
used. Note: This is related to custom
account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1.
Keep this field blank.
IISPassword | String value | Password of the IIS user. Use this if custom account is being
used. Note: This is related to custom
account which is not supported in silent installer for SCM 23.1.
Keep this field blank.
BICConnec-tionString | String value | Brainware database connection string information for SQL and