The Attributes Pane - Tools - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Tools

Foundation 23.1

The attributes pane displays the following information.

Attribute Description
DocFiles The number of images contained in the workdoc displays in brackets.

The subordinate entries display path and file name of the TIF file. Select an entry to display the image in the document pane.

Pages The number of pages of the workdoc displays in brackets.

The subordinate entries list the page indexes and their properties. Select an entry to display the page in the document pane.

Words The number of words found during OCR displays in brackets. Select this attribute to highlight all words on the document.

The subordinate entries list all words found on the document. Select an entry to highlight the word on the document and to display its properties.

TextBlocks The number of blocks displays in brackets. Select this attribute to highlight all blocks on the document.

During OCR, the found words that have a geometrical relationship are assigned to blocks, for example the vendor address on an invoice.

The subordinate entries list all text blocks found on the document. Select an entry to highlight the text block on the document and to display its properties.

TextLines The number of lines found by the Brainware line extraction or the Advanced line extraction displays in brackets. Select this attribute to highlight all lines on the document.

During OCR, the words that are geometrically on the same line, are assigned to text lines.

The subordinate entries list all text lines found on the document. Select an entry to highlight the text line on the document and to display its properties.

Fields The number of fields displays in brackets.

The subordinate entries list all fields defined in the assigned class. Select an entry to display its properties.

In the properties pane, select a candidate to highlight the candidate on the document.

DocClassName Name of the assigned class.
BlockCount Number of text blocks.
DisplayPage Index of the currently displayed page.
DocState Current state of the document within the workflow.

For more information, see "CDRDocState" in the Brainware Intelligent Capture Scripting Help.

ErrorDescription Description of the error or blank if none occurred.
FileName File name of the workdoc.
Folder Folder name.
FolderIndex Index of the folder.
Language Language activated for the workdoc.
Showtooltips True: Display tool tips when the user moves the pointer over the workdoc.

False: Do not display tool tips when the user moves the pointer over the workdoc.

TextLineCount Number of lines.
VersionCount Number of versions.
WordSegmentationChars Characters that indicate the end of a word and the beginning of a new one.