About Batch Filtering - Web Verifier - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Web Verifier

Web Verifier
Foundation 24.1

The batch filtering conditions affect the display of the batches.

A user with FLT (Filtering) role can set a personal filter either within the Settings page or in the Batch List view. This filter will limit the batches which are visible in the Batch List view. This filter is saved and will be reapplied on subsequent sessions.

A batch filter can also be saved as part of group settings. Such a filter will be applied whenever a user applies those group settings. If this user has the FLT (Filter) role, an additional filter can be applied within the Batch List view. However, this additional filter will not allow access to any batches which have been filtered out by the group settings filter.