When selecting a state, a menu command becomes available in the Verification View. The menu command allows for case-specific handling of various types of unforeseeable errors. The description represents the menu command’s label.
To select an
exception state and set its description label, complete the following steps.
- In the Settings view, select the Exception Handling tab.
To select a state, in the
Selected States column, select the corresponding check box.
Note: The available exception states cover the range from 601 to 699. A batch state corresponds to the lowest document state within the batch. Routing batches using their exception state is only possible if the state for successful verification is greater than the one used for exceptions.
To rename a description, right-click on the description and select
New description.
Note: This description represents the menu item in the Move Document to Exception State list in Verification View.
In the
Exception Handling dialog box, type the new description and
then click
Note: The maximum character length for the description is 128.
Select any of the following options.
Option Description Before moving a document to an exception state, save it automatically Select this option to save a document automatically before moving it to an exception state. Note: This applies to the current document only.Create new batches with documents marked for exception handling Select this option to move documents for exception handling to an exception batch.
- Creates a batch for each exception code
- Each batch receives a new batch ID
- Documents from verified batches move to the same exception batch in Batch View
- Batches release manually or automatically
When this option is not selected, documents for exception handling stay in their batches. These batches keep their batch ID but receive a new name according to the state description.
Automatically release all available pending exception batches that contain [XX] or more documents or older than [XX] minutes Select this option to release an exception batch once it contains more than [XX] documents or is older than [XX] minutes. This allows critical exception documents to process without waiting for manual intervention. Exception batches will also release when the user logs out. By default, set exception mode to Batch Select this option to change the scope of the command Move to Exception State on the Options menu to Batch automatically. Allow user selection of exception mode (Batch vs. Document) Select this option to enable the dynamic changing of the exception mode on the Options menu, document verification view. By default, this option switches on. Use this option together with the By default, set exception mode to Batch option to preserve a specific exception mode for the different user groups.