About User Types - Web Verifier - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Web Verifier

Web Verifier
Foundation 24.1

Users are assigned specific roles which grant the user differing levels of access within Web Verifier. Depending on the assigned roles, the following user types are possible.

Administrator users
Any user with the ADM (Administrator) role has full access to all settings. This includes the ability to define group settings.
Supervised Learning Verifier users
Web Verifier users with the SLV (Supervised Learning Verifier) role can nominate documents for learning. This role will also grant the user access to the settings page.
Note: The SLM (Supervised Learning Manager) role is not applicable when using Web Verifier.
Verifier Settings users
A user with the VER (Verifier) and SET (Verifier Settings) roles will be able to access the settings page and create custom settings for that user.
Verifier user
A standard Verifier user will be granted VER (Verifier) role, and optionally the FLT (Filtering) role. Such a user is not able to modify their personal settings and therefore must inherit settings based on group membership.