Supervised Learning allows users to nominate documents to the knowledge base job. Only users assigned the SLV or ADM role can access the Supervised Learning tab.
- In the Settings view, select the Supervised Learning tab.
- To enable Supervised Learning, select Activate Supervised Learning Workflow.
- Specify the job name used to collect the documents added to the knowledge base, set the Knowledge Base Job pulldown to an existing job.
- (Optional). To apply global extraction on documents with low extraction rate, select Always automatically re-extract data for poorly processed documents.
In the
Copy document to global knowledge base section, select one of
the following options.
Only if activated by the
user: To copy the document to the global knowledge base, the
user needs to click the Nominate for Learning button
in the Document View.
- Automatically if unclassified or more than [XX] % of fields are invalid: Select this option to copy dcuments automatically to the global knowledge base if they meet the configured criteria.
Note: If Only if activated by the user is not selected, and the document does not meet the criteria to be copied automatically, the user can still copy a document to the global knowledge base by clickingin the Document View page.
Only if activated by the
user: To copy the document to the global knowledge base, the
user needs to click the Nominate for Learning button