Applying Corrections - Web Verifier - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Web Verifier

Web Verifier
Foundation 24.1

To apply corrections and validate table fields, complete the following steps.

  1. Switch to cells highlighting mode and manually correct missing data and OCR errors.
    Note: Do not use interactive learning because every Brainware Table Extraction learning action reactivates extraction and replaces all your manual inputs instantly.
  2. To validate the table, press Enter.
  3. Optional. Click the Add Current Document to Local Learnset button to add the document to the learnset and then learn it, which is known as cross-document learning. Do this if the system did not suggest learning the document automatically.
    Note: The only requirement for cross-document learning is correctness and completeness of the table data to train. This means that location, content, and format of every cell item is accurate.