Indexing Window Toolbar Buttons - Web Verifier - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Brainware - external

Brainware Intelligent Capture Web Verifier

Web Verifier
Foundation 24.1

The toolbar provides quick access to some frequently used commands.

Button Description
Not available in Indexing Mode.
Displays the Batch View.
Not available in Indexing Mode.
Displays the Document View.
The scope of this command depends on the Exception Mode set on the Options menu. Two options are available: Move Document to Exception State or Move Batch to Exception State. Clicking the arrow next to this button displays a list of exceptions. You can use these exceptions if you cannot correct a document at all — for example because it belongs to none of the defined classes. Check with your supervisor to determine which exceptions to use.
Note: In order to avoid selection conflicts, only the toolbar button provides a list of exception handling states to choose from. The selection made here will also apply if you move a document to exception state by selecting the appropriate option within the Options menu.
Highlights Candidates – Clicking this highlights all areas in yellow that were taken into account to fill the current field.
Fits the current image to the height of the window.
Fits the current image to the width of the window.
Fits the current image to the width or height of the window so that maximum enlargement is obtained.
Zooms in.
Zooms out.
If this button appears pressed down, the application always displays the document area that is associated with the currently selected field.
Keeps the established zoom settings on each document you view in the batch.
Moves image to left.
Moves image to right.
Moves image upwards.
Moves image downwards.
Displays the first page in document.
Displays the previous page in document.
Displays the next page in document.
Displays the last page in document.
Rotates current page clockwise.
Displays the first document in the batch, and the application switches to Browsing Mode.
Displays the previous document in the batch, and the application switches to Browsing Mode.
Displays the next document in the batch, and the application switches to Browsing Mode.
Displays the last document in the batch, and the application switches to Browsing Mode.
Apply global extraction.
Copy to global knowledge base.
Correct tables.