The file UserRepository_Idp.config
contains the general IdP settings required by Content Composer Studio and backend
applications. Complete the following steps on the Content Composer Server and on each
computer on which Content Composer Studio is installed.
From the
%Composerdir% directory, open the
UserRepository_Idp.config file with a text editor that
supports UTF-8.
Find the following attributes and update their values to the
values of your IdP server configuration provided by your IdP administrator.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
authority = "https://[IDP-WEB-SERVER]/idp"
redirectUri = "http://localhost:4200/auth"
idpConfigurationURL = "https://[IDP-WEB-SERVER]/idp/.well-known/openid-configuration"
scopeAuthorizationCode= "openid group offline_access"
scopePasswordGrant = "openid group offline_access"
groupKey = "group"
userKey = "username"
Save and close the file.