Importing the Odin Cleanup Process - Advanced Design and Setup - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Advanced Design and Setup

Content Composer
Advanced Design and Setup
Foundation 23.2
To import the Odin_Standard_Cleanup process, complete the following steps in Content Composer Studio.

The script Odin_Standard_Cleanup used by the process is fully functional and does not need modification.

  1. On the Administration tab, click the Repository Import button.
  2. In the Specification of the import directory box, enter odin_cleanup.
  3. On the Repository Import  tab, click the Execute button.
  4. From the Navigator, open the Odin_Standard_Cleanup process.
  5. In the upper Editor pane, select the Timer object and if required, modify the properties in the Object Inspector.
  6. In the lower Editor pane, select the OdinDbTasks component and then, in the Object Inspector, select the required DB Alias.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. On the Process Designer Tools tab, under Create, click the Compile button.