To import the
OdinOnBaseArchive_Standard process, complete the following
steps in Content Composer Studio.
On the
Administration tab, click the
Repository Import
- In the Specification of the import directory box, enter OdinOnbaseArchive_proc.
On the
Repository Import tab, click the
- From the Navigator, open the OdinOnBaseArchive_Standard process.
- In the upper Editor pane, select the Timer object and if required, modify the properties in the Object Inspector.
- In the lower Editor pane, select the OdinOnBaseArchive component and then, in the Object Inspector, select the required DB Alias.
- In the Object Inspector, select the HotFolderDirectory property and enter or browse to the directory where you want to store the archived documents.
- Select the StackSelect property and specify the required SQL statement.
- Optional. Select the TraceFileName property and enter or browse to the Compart trace file.
Complete one of the following substeps.
If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database, rename the lookup table OdinSQL_MS_SqlServer to OdinSQL.
- If you are using an Oracle database, rename the lookup table OdinSQL_Oracle to OdinSQL.
- Save your changes.
On the
Process Designer Tools tab, under
Create, click the