Enabling HTTPS for the WCF Communication Channel - Advanced Design and Setup - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Advanced Design and Setup

Content Composer
Advanced Design and Setup
Foundation 23.2
To enable HTTPS, complete the following steps on each Content Composer server, Content Composer Studio workstation, and Content Composer Windows Client workstation.
  1. From the %Composerdir% directory, copy the following files to a backup directory.
    Note: Depending on whether you are updating a Content Composer server, Content Composer Studio, or Content Composer Client installation, not all CONFIG files may be present.
    • Composer.Core.exe.config
    • Composer.MWS.exe.config
    • Composer.OWS.exe.config
    • Composer.XWS.exe.config
    • Composer.Studio.exe.config
    • Composer.Client.exe.config
    • Composer.ConsoleHost.exe.config
    • Composer.WindowsServiceHost.exe.config
    • MonalisaEngine.exe.config
  2. When updating a Content Composer Studio or Content Composer Windows Client installation, complete the following substep.
    • From the Content Composer server %Composerdir%admin\configuration directory, copy HTTPSProtocol.ps1 to the %Composerdir%admin\configuration directory on the Content Composer Studio or Client workstation.
      Note: You may need to create this directory if it does not yet exist.
  3. Open a command prompt window as an administrator and navigate to the %Composerdir%admin\configuration directory.
  4. Complete one of the following substeps using the same port number you used to install the SSL certificate:
    • To enable HTTPS for all WCF communication channels on IP port 8100, execute the following command:
      powershell –file Set-HTTPSProtocol.ps1
    • To enable HTTPS for all WCF communication channels on an IP port of your own choice, execute the following command, replacing [IPPort] with the desired port number:
      powershell –file Set-HTTPSProtocol.ps1 –ipport [IPPort]


      powershell –file Set-HTTPSProtocol.ps1 –ipport 8500
    If no errors occurred, you can find the modified files in the %Composerdir%targets directory.
  5. Overwrite the CONFIG files present in the %Composerdir% directory with their equivalents from the %Composerdir%targets.
  6. On the Content Composer server, restart all Content Composer services.