After enabling the HTTPS configuration for the WCF
communication channel, you must import the encryption keys created with your first
Content Composer server installation on each Content Composer Client workstation.
Complete the following steps:
From the secure backup store you created during installation, copy
the following files to the
%Composerdir% directory:
- encryption_keys.config
- CoCoEncryptionRSAKey.xml
Note: See "Exporting and Backing up Encryption Keys" in the Content Composer
Installation Guide for information about the secure backup
Open a command prompt window as an administrator and navigate to
%Composerdir% directory.
To import the encryption key, execute the following command:
Composer.EncryptionTool importkey
For security reasons, remove the following file from the
%Composerdir% directory after importing:
From the
%Composerdir% directory, open
Composer.Client.exe.config with a text editor that supports
Insert the following line within the
<appSettings> element:
<add key="ProtectedConfiguration" value="encryption_keys.config" />
Save and close the file.