To create the certificates, complete the following steps
on the Content Composer server:
- From the %Composerdir%admin\certs directory, open CreateNewComposerCerts.ps1 with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
Search for the following line:
$certPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pwd" -Force -AsPlainText
- Replace pwd with the password you want to use for your PFX files.
- Save and close the file.
- Open a command prompt window as an administrator and navigate to the %Composerdir%admin\certs directory.
Execute the following command:
powershell -file CreateNewComposerCerts.ps1
Result: The following files are available in your Windows documents folder:
- composernew_CA.cer: This root certificate is only required to create the other certificates.
- composer_servernew.pfx: Substitutes the certificate composer.server.
- composer_servicenew.pfx: Substitutes the certificate composer.service.
Note: The script outputs the file location after successful execution.