To enable users to open the Odin views in a Content
Composer Client, complete the following steps:
- From the %Composerdir% directory, open clientprofile.xml with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
Search for the following line:
<ModuleInfo AssemblyFile="ComposerSuite.Odin.OdinViews.dll" />
- If the line does not exist, insert it inside the <Modules> element. If the line is commented out, remove the comment characters.
- From the Content Composer installation directory, open Composer.Client.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
To specify the system from which the database alias and the Odin
views are loaded, complete the following substeps.
Search for the following line:
<add key="odinviewsystemoid" value="dm" />
- If required, modify the value attribute value.
Search for the following line:
To specify the name of the database alias, complete the following
Search for the following line:
<add key="odinviewdbalias" value="odin_mws" />
- If required, modify the value attribute value.
Search for the following line: