Defining a Start Folder with the User Attribute StudioStartFolder - Advanced Design and Setup - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Advanced Design and Setup

Content Composer
Advanced Design and Setup
Foundation 23.2
To define a specific start folder for a user or a group of users, complete following steps.
  1. In Content Composer Studio, open the respective profile.
  2. On the Identity Editor Tools tab, click the Add Attribute button.
  3. In the Create New Profile Attribute dialog box, enter StudioStartFolder and then click OK.
  4. In the Object Inspector pane, enter the required start folder for the Value property.
    Note: Unlike the start parameter navipath, the value here is not the path to the folder but the folder name itself. This attribute, therefore, only has effect on setting a start folder when the MwsChangeFolder right is missing.
  5. To enforce your modifications, restart the Composer.Core service.