Specifying the Processes - Advanced Design and Setup - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Advanced Design and Setup

Content Composer
Advanced Design and Setup
Foundation 23.2
To specify the preferred processes in the configuration file, complete one or both of the following steps.
Note: If you configure both alternatives, the single processes start first and after that those processes that are referenced through an alias table.
  • To configure a single process, complete the following substeps.
    1. In the configuration file, find and uncomment the following lines.
      <!-- each process-element represents a process that will be started -->
        <process name="ModBatch_XmlFile" reference="ModBatch_XmlFile|29012008-13-prc-modb|2048|Process|None|modstd_megatron"/>
    2. Change the name attribute to the name of the process you want to configure.
      <process name="Process_ConvertMultipleFiles" reference="ModBatch_XmlFile|29012008-13-prc-modb|2048|Process|None|modstd_megatron"/>
      Note: To configure more than one process, duplicate the line.
    3. Launch Content Composer Studio.
    4. In the Navigator pane, right-click the process and then click Show Object Information.
    5. In the Output pane, copy the text displayed after SystemObjectID:
      Name, ObjectID, database ID, objectType, referenceType, SystemObjectID: Process_ConvertMultipleFiles|20112009-432-prc-dm|985|Process|None|dm
    6. In the configuration file, paste the text as content of the reference attribute.
       <process name="Process_ConvertMultipleFiles" reference="Process_ConvertMultipleFiles|20112009-432-prc-dm|985|Process|None|dm"/>.
    7. Optional. If you want to run the same process multiple times, duplicate the corresponding line and then change the name attribute.
        <process name="ODIN_Rendition 1" reference="Odin_Rendition|19022011-10-prc-odv|2233|Process|None|modstd_megatron" />
        <process name="ODIN_Rendition 2" reference="Odin_Rendition|19022011-10-prc-odv|2233|Process|None|modstd_megatron" />
  • To configure processes referenced through an alias table, complete the following substeps.
    1. In the configuration file, find and uncomment the following lines.
        <aliastable name="batchProcesses" systemoid="mod5processes"/>
    2. Change the name attribute to the name of the alias table.
    3. Change the systemoid attribute to the ID of the system where the alias table resides.


      If you configure more than one alias table, ensure that no identical aliases are created, as this could lead to an exception.

      As an alias can contain a number of references to different objects, the following rules apply:

      • Only normal processes will be handled (no MWS processes or other types)
      • If a key contains multiple processes, the first is given the key name as instance ID and all the others are given the key name plus an additional incremental counter beginning with one, for example OdinOnline 1.