Modifying the Configuration Files - Advanced Design and Setup - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Advanced Design and Setup

Content Composer
Advanced Design and Setup
Foundation 23.2
To complete the configuration, complete the following steps.
  1. From the %Composerdir% directory, open Composer.Studio.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
  2. Search for the lines that begin as follows:
    <endpoint name=
  3. Duplicate one of the existing endpoint elements.
  4. Set the name attribute to the name of the process.
  5. In the address attribute, set the port number to a port that is not already used by another endpoint.
    <endpoint name="CoCoProcess_SVC"
          contract="ComposerSuite.Runtime.RemoteControlContract.IRuntimeControlService" />
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. From the %Composerdir% directory, open RemoteControl.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
  8. Search for the lines that begin as follows:
    <service name=
  9. Duplicate one of the existing service elements.
  10. Set the name attribute to the name of the endpoint you have just created in the Composer.Studio.exe.config in the steps above.
  11. Set the display attribute within the service element to a meaningful name.
    <service name="CoCoProcess_SVC" display="Composer Process Service" runtime="TRUE" endpoint="RemoteControlService"/>

    The following example monitors a local computer with five services.

          <computer name="." display="cocal computer">
                <service name="Composer.Core.SVC" display="Core" runtime="true" endpoint="RemoteControlServiceCore"/>
                <service name="Composer.MWS.SVC" display="MWS" runtime="true" endpoint="RemoteControlServiceMWS"/>
                <service name="Composer.XWS.SVC" display="XWS" runtime="true" endpoint="RemoteControlServiceXWS"/>
                <service name="Composer.OWS.SVC" display="OWS" runtime="true" endpoint="RemoteControlServiceOWS"/>
                <service name="CoCoProcess_SVC" display="Composer Process Service" runtime="true" endpoint="RemoteControlService"/>
    Attribute Description


    Display name of the service in Windows Services.


    The text displayed in Windows Services.


    Possible Values:

    True: Runtime service

    False: Windows service

    You can also configure a runtime service with the setting FALSE if the process run in it do not need to be shown.

    This is for example useful when a runtime hosts only web services and does not have to execute processes.


    The endpoint for WCF communication for a runtime service.

  12. Save and close the file.
  13. Open the new CONFIG file created in Copying the Required Files with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
  14. Search for the lines that begin as follows:
    <remotecontrol address="http:
  15. Specify the port number of the endpoint address that you defined in Composer.Studio.exe.config.
    <remotecontrol address="" />
  16. Find the following line.
    <service name="ComposerSuite.Runtime.RemoteControlService">
  17. Set the port number to the same port number as in the previous step.
          <service name="ComposerSuite.Runtime.RemoteControlService">
             bindingConfiguration ="RemoteControlBinding"
  18. Save and close the file.