To setup an additional Content Composer server in your
environment, complete the following steps:
an installation of Content Composer that includes at least the Content
Composer Server feature. For more information, see "Performing a
Complete Installation of Content Composer" in the Content Composer
Installation Guide.
Important: Do not execute the Composer.SetupAssistant when installing an additional Composer Server.
- Follow the encryption instructions as described in "About RSA Encryption" in the Content Composer Installation Guide.
From the
initial installation, copy the following files to the %Composerdir%" directory
of the additional server installation:
- Composer.lic
- All existing DOTM files
- All CONFIG files
On all Content
Composer server installations, create a new environment variable
named sharedDir and set the value to the shared directory.
To modify Composer.Core.exe.config:
- From the %Composerdir% directory, open Composer.Core.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
In the <appSettings> element,
set the value of the keys rws_config and systemlayout_config to
the shared directory.
<appSettings> ... <add key="rws_config" value="\\SharedFolderDnsName\SharedConfigDir\repository.config" /> <add key="systemlayout_config" value="\\SharedFolderDnsName\SharedConfigDir\systemlayout.config" />
In the <appSettings> element,
below the key EnableHylandLogging insert the new keys
as in the following example and set the values of the keys userRepository, userRepository_Ldap,
and userRepository_Idp to the shared directory
created before.
<appSettings> ... <add key="EnableHylandLogging" value="False" /> <add key="userRepository" value="\\SharedFolderDnsName\SharedConfigDir\UserRepository.config" /> <add key="userRepository_Ldap" value="\\SharedFolderDnsName\SharedConfigDir\UserRepository_ldap.config" /> <add key="userRepository_Idp" value="\\ SharedFolderDnsName\SharedConfigDir\UserRepository_Idp.config" /> <add key="EnableSecureContextMessageHandshake" value="false"/>
In the <appSettings> element,
set the value of the key rws_work_dir as shown
in the following example.
<appSettings> ... <add key="rws_work_dir" value="%sharedDir%\Admin\rws_work" />
- Save and close the file.
To modify Composer.MWS.exe.config:
- From the %Composerdir% directory, open Composer.MWS.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
- Search for the line beginning with <mws systemoid=.
Replace the line with the corresponding line from
the Composer.MWS.exe.config on the initial environment.
<mws systemoid="TestSystemOID" />
- Save and close the file.
- To activate the configuration changes, in Windows Services, restart the services Composer.Core and Composer.MWS.