- From the %Composerdir% directory, open UserRepository.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
Verify and change the settings if required.
Attribute Description systemOId Object id of the system the role mapping and the user profile load from after a user has been authorized successfully.
roleMapper Name of the role mapping object used to link groups to roles.
For more information, see "Role Mappings" in the Content Composer Studio Help.
userProfile Name of the user profile object used to link LDAP attributes to Content Composer attributes.
For more information, see "Profiles" in the Content Composer Studio Help.
profileReadOption Specifies whether user profiles and roles are read from LDAP.
This setting depends on the parameter userStore.
In this way, for example, it is possible to read users from Windows user management, but read profiles from LDAP.
Note: If no user or role attributes are defined, set the value to None.Possible Values
None: No user or role attributes are read from LDAP. The system uses the default values.
User: The user attributes are read from LDAP. The role-attributes are not read from LDAP, the system uses the default values.
Note: This setting requires a valid UserRepository_Ldap.config file. -
Role: The role attributes are read from LDAP. The user-attributes are not read from LDAP, the system uses the default values.
Note: This setting requires a valid UserRepository_Ldap.config file. -
All: Both user and role attributes are read from LDAP.
Note: This setting requires a valid UserRepository_Ldap.config file.
userStore Specifies where the system obtains user and group information.
Possible Values
Windows: Information is read from Windows user management.
LDAP: Information is read from LDAP.
Sample Configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <userRepository systemOId ="dm" roleMapper = "Std_Mapping" userProfile = "Std_Profil" profileReadOption = "None" userStore = "Windows" />